Sunday, May 27, 2012

!عٌذراً منكِ يا سوريا

ضجرنا من الادانات الكاذبة و الاجتماعات الزائفة و العروض العسكرية الزائلة، سأمنا من تسليح الجيوش الخائنة و صرف الآلاف المؤلفة  على طلقات نار إما تصدأ و إما تستقر في صدور ابناء جلدتي مثلما هو حاصل في سوريا! اين ضمائركم عن الظلم الجائر؟ الم تستفيق من السبات عندما رأيتم ما هو حاصل في الحولة من مجازر؟ الم يحين الوقت لتحريك جيوشكم صوب الشام لاجتثاث هذا الجائر، بدلا من الاستعانة بدبابة مأجورة تحت راية "التحرير" لكنها تمحقنا بالمزيد من الذل و المهانة كما حصل في ارض المختار! الم تدركون بعد ان الفاشي نكّال لا يعي لغة الحوار و ان "وقف اطلاق النار" غير واردة في قواميس و دفاتر هذا الطاغية!؟! الم تدركوا ان لغة السفك و القتل هي التي يجيدها هذا الشخص؟! قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم "مثل المؤمنين في توادهم و تراحمهم و تعاطفهم مثل الجسد الواحد، اذا اشتكى منه عضو، تداعى له سائر الجسد بالسهر و الحمى".. اما آن الاوان للتداعي لسوريا بالسهر والحمى؟!؟ اما آن وقت "الفزعة" نصرتا لبلاد الشام.
انتهكت حرمات المساجد و المساكن، هتكت الاعراض، سلبت ارواح دون تفرقة بين طفل او امرأة او كهل و ما زلنا نرصد الدمار، و ما قدمنا الا الادانات و العقوبات و طلب تدخل دولي و ارسال بعث المراقبين "لمعاينة" ما يقع من انتهاكات!! الى متى يا بلادي؟ الى متى؟ الى متى حمام الدماء مستمر؟هل تريدون اكثر مما حصل؟

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

66 years later... Jordan is at the verge of a downfall!

Jordan, a bubble at the brink of explosion, has witnessed a wave of protests and movements refusing injustice! The 24th of March movement and the other countless opposition movements have pursued the streets in hopes of regaining what has been embezzled over the past 13 years. what these opposition movements exemplify is the harvest of what the Regime has been cultivating for 13 years, 13 years of lack of management, 13 years of incompetent bureaucrats running the show, 13 years of pocketing citizens.  It has become a place “where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly.” Thomas  Sowell, It has become a  Jordan where brokers become rulers, the greedy become execs, the illiterate become legislators, and the hypocrites become administrators, representatives and spokespersons, it has become a Jordan where Corruption cases are buried, it has become a Jordan where corruption icons threat to cross all lines and reveal people involved in greater, far more critical corruption cases, it has become a Jordan where, the referred to above, corruption icons have been proven innocent, it has become a Jordan where tax payers are the number one source of income for the nation, it has become a Jordan where the government raises financial support off of “limited goods”, in the meantime it gives lifelong pensions to the "111 parliament" councilmen,  it has become a Jordan where refusal for injustice is a crime, it has become a Jordan where Human rights has taken a pitfall, it has become a Jordan where “Personal Freedom shall be guaranteed” Chapter 2/Article7 of the Jordanian constitution, however freedom is the last factor guaranteed when it comes to saying NO, ENOUGH or seeking justice!

Jordan has reserved a spot on the map of corruption, according to TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION INDEX Jordan is ranked 56 in the world in 2011 for transparency, making it a well-established sanctuary for those who have corruption projects that will overburden the already flagging economy leading to more debt, poverty and constant tension. On the human rights and freedom of speech front Jordan ranked 144 out of 192 countries according to Freedom House's "Freedom in the World 2011 report", based on the a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is most free and 7 is least free Jordan earned a "Not Free" status, it has gone the extra mile with the Torture and other ill-treatment incidents that occurred recently in detention centers and police beatings against political activists protesting  government corruption, rising prices, rampant poverty, and high unemployment. Rather than living up to the reputation of being a “democratic” state, excessive violence is practiced to curb any pro-reform voice getting loud.

The 25th of May is just around the corner, let it mark the beginning of Independence from the deep rooted bureaucracy, injustice, corruption and let it be the beginning of a new Jordan, a Jordan that nurtures social justice, a Jordan that accepts freedom of Speech, a Jordan that has no red lines, let it be a Jordan that resurrects to live up to the reputation of rectitude, nobility, hospitality, diplomacy and Statesmanship of the founding fathers of Jordan.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pal Hunger

Over 1500 detained freedom fighters in Palestine have begun a hunger strike refusing the Administrative detention on them by Israel. 76 days of hunger, 76 days of pain, 76 days of neglect by Israeli officials, neighboring countries and the international community all for one noble goal, all for the goal of ending the travesty of unjustified administrative detention, the more cruelty practiced by IDF personnel, the more determined these masses of prisoners on strike become to gain the most precious thing in one’s life, FREEDOM.  Looking at the severe human rights violations being committed in the Israeli prisons such as  solitary confinement, being held without charges, convictions for protesting, throwing stones, and not proclaiming to the false fact of the existence of the fairly young illegal state of Israel is what pushed these noble men and women to this strike,but despite the fact that this has become the largest strike ever recorded in history the international community is not dealing with this as a severe matter, Why the tardiness in taking any action on an official level?  Is it due to their fear of fueling up the public opinion and more non-violent resistance against the state of Israel? Or is the lives of these detainees of no value?   The very frustrating detail in this whole issue, is the the official position of Jordan regarding the hunger strike, for they have not really taken any aggressive steps towards ending the unjust acts of the so called state of Israel, while all of this is going on and intentionally being disregarded , in the news people are reading the bold statements being fired by “HE Dr. Fayez Altarawanah”, stating his willingness to re-engage in “peace” negotiations with Israel all over again, striking on the cord of it being “in the interest of our fellow Palestinians” an eagerness has grown in me craving to witness this peace treaty in action putting an end the offensive, inhumane, unjustified detention of “our fellow Palestinians”, not to forget mentioning the impressive role of the Arab League as they have succeeded again in coming through with a new disappointment to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, non-Muslims and the regular people all over the world that have shown sympathy towards this conflict. All in all, lesson learned, in order to exist with dignity and honor one must resist injustice, oppression and fascism by all means in order to  redeem what has been deprived!