Oww Arabia, isn’t it about time to go forth to liberate Al-Aqsa from the never ending violations that it faces daily?
Isn’t it time to put our hands together to face the daily abuses this holy city is facing as I write my pains on to this piece of paper?
Isn’t it time for our consciences to awaken from the coma that we have been in for over 65 years now?
Jerusalem the cradle of civilizations, forgive us for neglecting you for so long, but we have been kept busy thinking how to turn a dollar into two, and how to turn sand into gold drifting us away from you..
Oww Arabia shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself, Jerusalem is being raped, suppressed and violated and not a word of condemnation was spoken?! And that is the weakest of faith.
Jerusalem is facing a fierce onslaught by groups of extreme Israeli settlers jeopardizing the true identity of this old holy city distorting the Arabic identity of the city and threatening the lives of the original Jerusalem inhabitants, a state of Judaization of Jerusalem eradicating Muslim and Christian Arabs from their homes to make way for more defiled settlers to occupy what’s left of the 2nd half of the city. And what do we give Jerusalem in return? A lousy conference under the name of “Jerusalem Conference” where More than 350 Arab and international personalities representing about 70 countries as well as experts and researchers, historians and legal Arabs and foreigners belonging to all religions all gather in the Air Conditioning cooled halls of Doha to discuss the “status of Jerusalem assembled through four key areas covering aspects of the case, namely: Jerusalem and the international law, and history of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, settlements (Israeli violations), Jerusalem and civil society organizations.” And adapting packages of development plans in various sectors to strengthen the steadfastness of Jerusalemites in facing the IDF war monster, digging activities under The first Qiblah of Islam and the third of the Two Holy Mosques Under the pretext of excavation activities for alleged Temple of Solomon.
Nothing more than conferences, conventions, seminars and meeting, and all we hear at the end are statements, declarations and speeches on how we will help the Jerusalemites in facing Judaization of Jerusalem… words and promises no more...