Monday, December 31, 2012

وجه آخر لنفس المجلس!

يأتي البعض ليقول "هَي الحكومة شكّلت لجنة مستقلة للإشراف على الانتخابات و الاتحاد الاوروبي رح يشرف على الانتخابات فأكيد رح تكون انتخابات نزيهة, لويش بعدك معترض؟"

53 نائب سابق من "مجلس ال111 " ترشحوا لخوض الانتخابات مجلس النواب السابع عشر, بالإضافة الى انه فرّخ في البلد 61 قائمة وطنية ب829 مرشح بتنافسوا على 27 مقعد "الدائرة العامة" (أكبر من عدد المرشحين على الدوائر المحلية 699مرشح موزعين على 45 دائرة) و قال ايش الانتخابات البرلمانية المزمع عقدها في 2013 ستكون مرحلة مفصلية في الخريطة الاصلاح الاردني.... بعدين بلا مآخذة انا اصلا معترض على قانون الصوت الواحد, اللي استهدف القوى الوطنية في البلد, و سبّب شرخ في التركيبة الاجتماعية, و حفز مفاهيم العشائرية والمناطقية و وضع المجتمع الاردني في نفق ضيق يعتبر السلطة التشريعية انها سلطة خدمات و محسوبيات و واسطات. كما انه افرز في جميع التجارب النيابية الاردنية من العام 1993 الى مجلس ال111 عام 2010 مجالس ضعيفة ترضخ لقوى سياسية/اقتصادية  متنفذة في البلد. بالمختصر المفيد، المجلس القادم سوف يكون "وجه اخر لنفس العملة". هذا الكلام قد قيل في السابق بالتحديد قبل انتخابات مجلس النواب ال15 و ال16 و مصير المجلسين كان "الحل" قبل انتهاء المدة القانونية اللي هي 4 سنين حسب المادة 68/1 من الدستور الاردني.

بالمختصر و دون الاطالة بالشرح، ما ذُكر اعلاه اسباب تكفي للفت الانتباه الى عدم الجدوى في المشاركة بهذا "العرس الوطني" المعروفٌ فيه من هو المايسترو و من هم آلات العزف و من هم العازفون و المطبلون و "الدبيكة" ..

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Rambling State of Mind!

“People all over the Arab world feel a sense of pride in shaking off decades of cowed passivity under dictatorships that ruled with no deference to popular wishes” Rashid Khalidi, in "The Arab Spring", in The Nation (3 March 2011)

I’ve been absent recently due to the tremendous chaos in the region as a whole, should it be Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Bahrain etc... and the list goes on; yes I am very proud of the Arab Spring and I am confident that we will reach safe grounds even if it will take us a while, but I have completely lost focus due to the massive amount of news and information being circulated and the ongoing plots and treacheries our regimes are following in order to curb advocates of freedom and reform in a region that has been for so long now, characterized as a naïve and retarded! Frustration has grew within me repelling into this absence state that I am in! I’ve been avoiding news because all it brings is depressing pictures and disappointing decisions! Massacres in Syria with no substantial actions being taken by the international community on an official level , Settlement manifestation in East Jerusalem, the tension rising in Egypt over the SCAF’s declaring the parliament  not legitimate, the full legislative Authority granted to the Military, the ongoing chaos over the first presidential elections after the revolution,  Libya’s continuous struggle to sustain stability in the country , Yemenis fight to uproot the previous regimes remains and putting an end to the continuous killings, Jordan’s constant raise of  Gasoline Prices, Water prices, Electricity prices,  taxation increases and the restraints on freedom of speech and violation of human rights, the continuous clashes between Bahraini opposition and police and so on! The price of freedom is quite heavy, but the truth of the matter is as long as there is a crack within the front lines of any revolution blood will continue to shed and regimes will remain in power and in control, and the thought of this with the disturbing images being broadcasted everyday on TV and in newspapers is clouding me with depression and desperation!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

!عٌذراً منكِ يا سوريا

ضجرنا من الادانات الكاذبة و الاجتماعات الزائفة و العروض العسكرية الزائلة، سأمنا من تسليح الجيوش الخائنة و صرف الآلاف المؤلفة  على طلقات نار إما تصدأ و إما تستقر في صدور ابناء جلدتي مثلما هو حاصل في سوريا! اين ضمائركم عن الظلم الجائر؟ الم تستفيق من السبات عندما رأيتم ما هو حاصل في الحولة من مجازر؟ الم يحين الوقت لتحريك جيوشكم صوب الشام لاجتثاث هذا الجائر، بدلا من الاستعانة بدبابة مأجورة تحت راية "التحرير" لكنها تمحقنا بالمزيد من الذل و المهانة كما حصل في ارض المختار! الم تدركون بعد ان الفاشي نكّال لا يعي لغة الحوار و ان "وقف اطلاق النار" غير واردة في قواميس و دفاتر هذا الطاغية!؟! الم تدركوا ان لغة السفك و القتل هي التي يجيدها هذا الشخص؟! قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم "مثل المؤمنين في توادهم و تراحمهم و تعاطفهم مثل الجسد الواحد، اذا اشتكى منه عضو، تداعى له سائر الجسد بالسهر و الحمى".. اما آن الاوان للتداعي لسوريا بالسهر والحمى؟!؟ اما آن وقت "الفزعة" نصرتا لبلاد الشام.
انتهكت حرمات المساجد و المساكن، هتكت الاعراض، سلبت ارواح دون تفرقة بين طفل او امرأة او كهل و ما زلنا نرصد الدمار، و ما قدمنا الا الادانات و العقوبات و طلب تدخل دولي و ارسال بعث المراقبين "لمعاينة" ما يقع من انتهاكات!! الى متى يا بلادي؟ الى متى؟ الى متى حمام الدماء مستمر؟هل تريدون اكثر مما حصل؟

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

66 years later... Jordan is at the verge of a downfall!

Jordan, a bubble at the brink of explosion, has witnessed a wave of protests and movements refusing injustice! The 24th of March movement and the other countless opposition movements have pursued the streets in hopes of regaining what has been embezzled over the past 13 years. what these opposition movements exemplify is the harvest of what the Regime has been cultivating for 13 years, 13 years of lack of management, 13 years of incompetent bureaucrats running the show, 13 years of pocketing citizens.  It has become a place “where those who have sacrificed nothing pillage and destroy the lives of those who have sacrificed greatly.” Thomas  Sowell, It has become a  Jordan where brokers become rulers, the greedy become execs, the illiterate become legislators, and the hypocrites become administrators, representatives and spokespersons, it has become a Jordan where Corruption cases are buried, it has become a Jordan where corruption icons threat to cross all lines and reveal people involved in greater, far more critical corruption cases, it has become a Jordan where, the referred to above, corruption icons have been proven innocent, it has become a Jordan where tax payers are the number one source of income for the nation, it has become a Jordan where the government raises financial support off of “limited goods”, in the meantime it gives lifelong pensions to the "111 parliament" councilmen,  it has become a Jordan where refusal for injustice is a crime, it has become a Jordan where Human rights has taken a pitfall, it has become a Jordan where “Personal Freedom shall be guaranteed” Chapter 2/Article7 of the Jordanian constitution, however freedom is the last factor guaranteed when it comes to saying NO, ENOUGH or seeking justice!

Jordan has reserved a spot on the map of corruption, according to TRANSPARENCY INTERNATIONAL CORRUPTION INDEX Jordan is ranked 56 in the world in 2011 for transparency, making it a well-established sanctuary for those who have corruption projects that will overburden the already flagging economy leading to more debt, poverty and constant tension. On the human rights and freedom of speech front Jordan ranked 144 out of 192 countries according to Freedom House's "Freedom in the World 2011 report", based on the a scale of 1 to 7, where 1 is most free and 7 is least free Jordan earned a "Not Free" status, it has gone the extra mile with the Torture and other ill-treatment incidents that occurred recently in detention centers and police beatings against political activists protesting  government corruption, rising prices, rampant poverty, and high unemployment. Rather than living up to the reputation of being a “democratic” state, excessive violence is practiced to curb any pro-reform voice getting loud.

The 25th of May is just around the corner, let it mark the beginning of Independence from the deep rooted bureaucracy, injustice, corruption and let it be the beginning of a new Jordan, a Jordan that nurtures social justice, a Jordan that accepts freedom of Speech, a Jordan that has no red lines, let it be a Jordan that resurrects to live up to the reputation of rectitude, nobility, hospitality, diplomacy and Statesmanship of the founding fathers of Jordan.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Pal Hunger

Over 1500 detained freedom fighters in Palestine have begun a hunger strike refusing the Administrative detention on them by Israel. 76 days of hunger, 76 days of pain, 76 days of neglect by Israeli officials, neighboring countries and the international community all for one noble goal, all for the goal of ending the travesty of unjustified administrative detention, the more cruelty practiced by IDF personnel, the more determined these masses of prisoners on strike become to gain the most precious thing in one’s life, FREEDOM.  Looking at the severe human rights violations being committed in the Israeli prisons such as  solitary confinement, being held without charges, convictions for protesting, throwing stones, and not proclaiming to the false fact of the existence of the fairly young illegal state of Israel is what pushed these noble men and women to this strike,but despite the fact that this has become the largest strike ever recorded in history the international community is not dealing with this as a severe matter, Why the tardiness in taking any action on an official level?  Is it due to their fear of fueling up the public opinion and more non-violent resistance against the state of Israel? Or is the lives of these detainees of no value?   The very frustrating detail in this whole issue, is the the official position of Jordan regarding the hunger strike, for they have not really taken any aggressive steps towards ending the unjust acts of the so called state of Israel, while all of this is going on and intentionally being disregarded , in the news people are reading the bold statements being fired by “HE Dr. Fayez Altarawanah”, stating his willingness to re-engage in “peace” negotiations with Israel all over again, striking on the cord of it being “in the interest of our fellow Palestinians” an eagerness has grown in me craving to witness this peace treaty in action putting an end the offensive, inhumane, unjustified detention of “our fellow Palestinians”, not to forget mentioning the impressive role of the Arab League as they have succeeded again in coming through with a new disappointment to Palestinians, Arabs, Muslims, non-Muslims and the regular people all over the world that have shown sympathy towards this conflict. All in all, lesson learned, in order to exist with dignity and honor one must resist injustice, oppression and fascism by all means in order to  redeem what has been deprived!

Monday, April 30, 2012

Discovery of a New Element

A friend of mine has always been fascinated by Quantum physics, he has been doing some research and to my surprise this man has reached a very interesting Scientific break through on Quantum Physics.

The email received was from some one who dwells into and relishes the sci-fi aspect of life, he has quite a distinct way of putting across ideas, this is how he explains about the discovery of a new element.

And i quote "The heaviest element yet known to science has been discovered. The new element is Governmentium (Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lefton-like particles called peons. Since Governmentium has no electrons or protons, it is inert. However, it can be detected, because it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact. A tiny amount of Governmentium can cause a reaction normally taking less than a second to take from four days to four years to complete. Governmentium has a normal half-life of 2- 6 years. It does not decay but instead undergoes a reorganisation in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places. In fact, Governmentium's mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganisation will cause more morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes. This characteristic of moron promotion leads some scientists to believe that Governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a critical concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as critical morass. When catalysed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons. All of the money is consumed in the exchange, and no products are produced."

Thank you for sharing the email, the presentation is quite innovative!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Irony Strikes Again at the Venerable House of Rapists

The so called venerable house of "representatives" has done an outstanding job as the members of the house of shame have acquitted the key icons of corruption, closed major corruption files using preposterous justifications, rewarded themselves with lifelong pensions, allowing members of the honorable house of representatives a luxurious life off of the penurious tax payers money, and not to forget the so called elections law that has undervalued political activists, parties, and external spectators and analysts on all levels, considering them to be gullible. The appointed house of "representatives", whom are allegedly representing the people have managed to Rape a population of 6000000 twice within 24 hours. This group of Conspirators are continuously reminding, the already boiling street, that we your "representatives" have no intentions in coming forth with political and economical reform and have taken an oath to sabotage to the image of the legislative institution..  The decisions being taken and laws being passed, neglecting the call for genuine political and economical reform only causes more distress, as this is being witnessed every Friday in protests monsooning the nation in demand for reform where every Friday the requisitions are rising higher getting very close to the so called "red lines".

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Aqsa Is Calling

Oww Arabia, isn’t it about time to go forth to liberate Al-Aqsa from the never ending violations that it faces daily?
Isn’t it time to put our hands together to face the daily abuses this holy city is facing as I write my pains on to this piece of  paper?
Isn’t it time for our consciences to awaken from the coma that we have been in for over 65 years now?
Jerusalem the cradle of civilizations, forgive us for neglecting you for so long, but we have been kept busy thinking how to turn a dollar into two, and how to turn sand into gold drifting us away from you..
Oww Arabia shouldn’t you be ashamed of yourself, Jerusalem is being raped, suppressed and violated and not a word of condemnation was spoken?! And that is the weakest of faith.

Jerusalem is facing a fierce onslaught by groups of extreme Israeli settlers jeopardizing the true identity of this old holy city distorting the Arabic identity of the city and threatening the lives of the original Jerusalem inhabitants, a state of Judaization of Jerusalem eradicating Muslim and Christian Arabs from their homes to make way for more defiled settlers to occupy what’s left of the 2nd half of the city. And what do we give Jerusalem in return? A lousy  conference under the name of  “Jerusalem Conference”  where More than 350 Arab and international personalities representing about 70 countries as well as experts and researchers, historians and legal Arabs and foreigners belonging to all religions all gather in the Air Conditioning cooled halls of Doha to discuss the “status of Jerusalem assembled through four key areas covering aspects of the case, namely: Jerusalem and the international law, and history of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, settlements (Israeli violations), Jerusalem and civil society organizations.” And adapting packages of development plans in various sectors to strengthen the steadfastness of Jerusalemites in facing the IDF war monster, digging activities under The first Qiblah of Islam and the third of the Two Holy Mosques Under the pretext of excavation activities for alleged Temple of Solomon.
Nothing more than conferences, conventions, seminars and meeting, and all we hear at the end are statements, declarations and speeches on how we will help the Jerusalemites in facing Judaization of Jerusalem… words and promises no more...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mobilization Effect!

The Mobilization policy, a deep rooted approach, that has become a culture adapted by the Jordanian government- both Civil and Security sectors- has resulted in a wave of violence that has plunged the streets of Jordan like a tsunami, taking us back to Pre-Islamic Arabia with the detested practices of tribalism, sectarian, regionalism and what I would like to call as Ideologism, where the “social fabric” is suffering a crack that is solely the results of the Mobilization approach with the local media serving this policy. By following the media and newspapers you see ideas and words being planted into the minds of readers such as "opposition" vs. "pro-regime", "East Bank Jordanian" vs. "West Bank Jordanian", "North" vs. "South", "Beduin" vs. "Fallah (peasants)" and the list goes on, and by looking at recent recent events such as the uncivilized stabbing incidents that targeted two young activists; Inas Msallam and Ibrahim Dmour, we see a perfect example of the success of this policy where it is quite obvious that they were attacked based on their Political beliefs, although the officials have denied having any relations to those incidents and blamed it on "emotional issues" for Inas -where they questioned the girls honor- and gave a very weak story about Ibrahim's stabbing incident blaming it on a gang, as they rushed in giving promises to investigate in these incidents, but the question that rises, will they take these cases seriously? Or will they be thrown into the drawers and forgotten like the many other acts of harassment that happened such as the attack on the Muslim Brotherhood offices in Almafraq, or the attack that Targeted H.E. Ahmad Obaidat in Salhoub, or the attack against one of Jordan’s Opposition leaders Laith Shubeilat.

Regardless to whether what happened was planned or pure coincidence, questioning their honor, questioning their patriotism, questioning their origins, such practices have proven that the loyalty to the regime is no longer absolute due to the lack in the ability to contain the current situation and present substantial steps towards a true political reform, allowing freedom in expressing opinion and  loosening the security grip by limiting security authorities meddling in the political life and labeling lots of issues a taboo.

Such underestimations and questionings will only make things worse as the opposition has become and it is growing larger by the day, reaching approximately 40 to 50% of the overall population, You cannot tempt providence and always triumph, as one day Karma will turn right back on whoever is responsible and bite them in the face, that’s when things go out of hand and become disastrous.